1174. TRAVEL: Visiting a Travel Agent (1) 旅行:拜访旅行社(1)


A: I need help planning my vacation. B: Sure, where would you like to go? A: I haven't decided where to go yet. B: Do you enjoy warm or cold climates? A: I am thinking that I might enjoy a tropical climate. B: I have some brochures here that you might like to look at. A: These look great! B: Do you know how much you want to spend on this vacation? A: I have about a thousand dollars to spend on this trip. B: Well, take these brochures, and get back to me when you want to make your reservations.

上一篇: 1173. UNEMPLOYMENT: Finding a Job (3) 失业:找工作(3)
下一篇: 1175. TRAVEL: Visiting a Travel Agent (2) 旅行:拜访旅行社(2)