1175. TRAVEL: Visiting a Travel Agent (2) 旅行:拜访旅行社(2)


A: Could you help me with vacation plans? B: Do you know where you will be traveling? A: I am open to suggestions at this point. B: Are you wanting to travel to a tropical climate, or would you like to go somewhere with a cooler climate? A: I would like to travel to a cooler destination. B: I can give you some brochures that could give you some ideas. A: I will look at them right now. B: How much money is in your budget for this trip? A: I think that I can spend about two hundred dollars a day. B: Take your time choosing a destination and, when you've narrowed it down, I'll be happy to help you make a reservation.

上一篇: 1174. TRAVEL: Visiting a Travel Agent (1) 旅行:拜访旅行社(1)
下一篇: 1176. TRAVEL: Visiting a Travel Agent (3) 旅行:拜访旅行社(3)