1177. TRAVEL: Making a Plane Reservation (1) 旅行:预订飞机(1)


A: Could you help me make a plane reservation? B: I would be happy to help you. Where do you plan on going? A: I am going to go to Hawaii. B: For that destination, you may leave from Los Angeles or Burbank Airport. Which would you prefer? A: I think that I would rather leave from Los Angeles Airport. B: Would you prefer a morning or afternoon departure? A: I need to leave in the morning. B: Fine. On your return flight, do you have a preference as to morning or afternoon? A: I would prefer to return in the afternoon. B: I have booked you on your flight at a great rate. Here are your tickets.

上一篇: 1176. TRAVEL: Visiting a Travel Agent (3) 旅行:拜访旅行社(3)
下一篇: 1178. TRAVEL: Making a Plane Reservation (2) 旅行:预订飞机(2)