1178. TRAVEL: Making a Plane Reservation (2) 旅行:预订飞机(2)


A: I need to make a plane reservation. B: That is what I am here for. What is your destination? A: I will be traveling to Aspen, Colorado. B: Would you prefer to leave from Los Angeles or Burbank Airport? A: Burbank Airport would be best for me. B: You can leave in the morning of afternoon from that airport. Do you have a preference? A: I can only take a flight that leaves in the afternoon. B: I can book that for you right now. When you return, would you prefer morning or afternoon? A: I think that I would like a morning return flight better. B: I was able to book your flight, and I will print your tickets right now. Have a great trip!

上一篇: 1177. TRAVEL: Making a Plane Reservation (1) 旅行:预订飞机(1)
下一篇: 1179. TRAVEL: Making a Plane Reservation (3) 旅行:预订飞机(3)