1238. TRAVEL: Shopping for Souvenirs (2) 旅游:购买纪念品(2)


A: Let's stop and look at the souvenirs at the souvenir stand. B: What types of souvenirs were you looking for? A: When I travel, I usually like to bring back a special necklace or clothing. B: I end up buying a lot of stuff for the kids in my family. Do you like to do that, too? A: My family loves for me to take trips so they can get the goodies I bring them. B: What types of things do they like? A: The little kids like little trinkets, like those little shell animals over there. B: I feel like this stuff is kind of overpriced. A: Some souvenir stands charge more than others, so it pays to shop around. B: Why don't we try checking prices a little farther away from the tourist section?

上一篇: 1237. TRAVEL: Shopping for Souvenirs (1) 旅游:购买纪念品(1)
下一篇: 1239. TRAVEL: Shopping for Souvenirs (3) 旅游:购买纪念品(3)