1239. TRAVEL: Shopping for Souvenirs (3) 旅游:购买纪念品(3)


A: We need to stop so I can shop for some souvenirs at the souvenir stand. B: Do you have anything in particular that you are looking for? A: I love to go clothes-shopping when I travel or buy a new piece of jewelry. B: The kids in my family love getting souvenirs. How about the children in your family? A: Everyone in my family enjoys getting treats from my travels! B: What do they like you to bring home? A: My nieces love to get little jewelry boxes like those on the top shelf. B: Things seem to cost a lot at this stand. A: You really need to shop around with souvenirs because they can vary a lot in price. B: We could walk a few more blocks away from the beach and see what the prices are like there.

上一篇: 1238. TRAVEL: Shopping for Souvenirs (2) 旅游:购买纪念品(2)
下一篇: 1240. TRAVEL: Trying to Find a Doctor (1) 旅行:寻找医生(1)