1267. AT A HOTEL: Checking into the Hotel (5) 在酒店:入住酒店(5)


A: My name is John Sandals, and I've got a reservation. B: May I see some identification, sir, please? A: Sure. Here you are. B: Thank you so much. Have you got a credit card, Mr. Sandals? A: I sure do. How about American Express? B: Unfortunately, at the present time we take only MasterCard or VISA. A: No American Express? Okay, here's my VISA. B: Thank you, sir. You'll be in room 507, nonsmoking, with a queen-size bed. Do you approve, sir? A: Yes, that'll be fine. B: That's great. This is your key, sir. If you need anything at all, anytime, just dial zero.

上一篇: 1266. AT A HOTEL: Checking into the Hotel (4) 在酒店:入住酒店(4)
下一篇: 1268. AT A HOTEL: Checking into the Hotel (6) 在酒店:入住酒店(6)