A: I am not sure what the asking price for my house should be. B: We have to take in a number of factors in setting an asking price. A: What do we need to consider in establishing an acceptable price for a home? B: The comparisons to other similar homes in your area give us a good indication of what your home is worth. A: Is the price that we get by looking at comparisons necessarily the asking price that I have to use for my home? B: You don't have to use that particular asking price, but the buyer is going to have trouble getting a loan if the house is priced too high. A: Should I just shoot for the moon and, if I have to lower the price, do it later? B: You should be realistic in your pricing. Otherwise, many potential buyers just walk away. A: Can we lower the asking price later if we need to? B: We can always re-evaluate the asking price in a few weeks, if we aren't getting any offers.