1461. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: What to Do in the Neighborhood (3) 在新社区中:在社区中做什么(3)


A: I recently moved into town. B: When did you move in? A: I've been here for only a week. B: What have you been doing this past week? A: I haven't done much of anything. B: Why is that? A: I don't know what there is to do. B: You can do plenty of things. A: Tell me what there is to do. B: You can go shopping, go to the beach, or even see a movie. A: I didn't know what to do. B: There's a lot to do if you just look.

上一篇: 1460. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: What to Do in the Neighborhood (2) 在新社区中:在社区中做什么(2)
下一篇: 1462. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Meeting New People (1) 在新社区:结识新朋友(1)