1462. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Meeting New People (1) 在新社区:结识新朋友(1)


A: Are you new in town? B: Yes, I am new in town. A: It's very nice to meet you. B: It's nice to meet you too. A: How long has it been since you moved here? B: It's been a month. A: Do you like it here so far? B: I actually do like it here. A: Isn't it beautiful? B: It is absolutely beautiful here. A: Let me welcome you to the neighborhood. B: Thank you. I'm glad to be here.

上一篇: 1461. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: What to Do in the Neighborhood (3) 在新社区中:在社区中做什么(3)
下一篇: 1463. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Meeting New People (2) 在新社区:结识新朋友(2)