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Lesson 16. AGREEMENT AND DISAGREEMENT. 第16课:同意和不同意


226、I don’t think our taxes get anything good for us. 227、I disagree completely. 228、Maybe you’re right. 229、I think that’s a good idea. 230、I’m glad we see eye to eye. 231、I couldn’t agree with you more. 232、I have to disagree with you on this. 233、That’s what I was thinking. 234、You are exactly right. 235、That’s for sure. 236、I’m say that was true. 237、Don’t you agree? 238、I’ll go along with that. 239、I’ll go along with you on this one. 240、I’m not sure I agree with you.

上一篇: Lesson 15. CERTAINTY AND UNCERTAINTY. 第15课:确定性和不确定性
下一篇: Lesson 17. BELIEF AND DISBELIEF. 第17课:相信和不相信