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Lesson 17. BELIEF AND DISBELIEF. 第17课:相信和不相信


241、Do your kids still believe in Santa Claus? 242、How come you never believe me? 243、I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that without more taxes. 244、I can’t believe it. 245、They believed that certain gods caused things in nature. 246、I have faith in the government. 247、I believe that I can do anything if I try hard enough. 248、I don’t believe you. 249、Do you believe in anything? 250、I have no choice but to believe what you’re saying. 251、Have you questioned your beliefs? 252、I can’t believe you’ve said that. 253、I’m convinced by his words. 254、I believe he can be trusted. 255、I’ll take your word for it.

上一篇: Lesson 16. AGREEMENT AND DISAGREEMENT. 第16课:同意和不同意
下一篇: Lesson 18. COMPLIMENTS AND PRAISES. 第18课:抱怨和赞美