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2. How to say goodbye in English 如何用英语说再见

[intro] How do you say goodbye? Do you know that there are many different ways to say goodbye in English? Discover some common Goodbye phrases and expressions as below.

Different ways to say goodbye in English. Goodbye Bye Bye for now! See you! See you soon! See you later! Talk to you later! Catch up with you later. I hope to see you soon. See you next time. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. It was nice meeting you. It’s been really nice knowing you. It has been a pleasure, we’ll speak soon. It was really great to see you, catch you later. All the best, bye. Take care! Stay in touch. I’m really going to miss you. I’ve got to go now.

上一篇: 1. Greetings in English – Greeting words and expressions to say Hello 英语问候语——问候语和问候语
下一篇: 3. How to say sorry in English 如何用英语说对不起