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3. How to say sorry in English 如何用英语说对不起

[intro] There are many different ways to say sorry in English. Discover some of the most common phrases and expressions to express your apologies as below.]用英语说对不起有很多不同的方式。下面是一些最常见的表达歉意的短语和表达方式。

Apologies Expressions I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I’m very sorry… I’m terribly sorry… Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. Sorry about that. Can you forgive me? I apologize for… Please forgive me. You can blame me for this. I beg your pardon. Sorry, it’s my fault. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Sorry, I’m late! To accept an apology, you can use these sentences and expressions: That’s all right! Don’t worry about it. Forget it! No problem. Never mind. It doesn’t really matter. No big thing. It’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself. Think nothing of it.

上一篇: 2. How to say goodbye in English 如何用英语说再见
下一篇: 4. Self Introduction – Different ways to introduce “myself” (and others) in English 自我介绍-用英语介绍“我自己”(和其他人)的不同方式