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61. Roller Coaster Ride 过山车


He tried the roller coaster ride the first time. He did not like it. He tried it a second time. He still did not like it. They say third time's the charm. He went back in line. The lines for roller coasters were long. Everybody he knew loved riding roller coasters. Everybody loved them except him. He thought roller coasters were terrifying. He did not know what the big deal was. Why risk your life, he thought. He was waiting in line. People in line were impatient, but he was not. The line moved forward. His turn for the ride came. He was strapped on the roller coaster. "Please keep you hands and legs together," he was told. The roller coaster began moving. It slowly ascended to the top. It plummeted to the bottom. He vomited all over himself.

上一篇: 60. Home Again 再次回家
下一篇: 62. Ready for the Race 准备好比赛了吗