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62. Ready for the Race 准备好比赛了吗


The big race was tomorrow. He would be competing with people from other schools. It was his first big race. He was worried, but he was also excited. He was the fastest boy in his school, and he had been training for months. He had been running for a long time. He joined track when he was in middle school. He loved running. He ran everywhere. He ran to the market to pick up groceries. He ran to school in the mornings. He ran back home after school. He ran to his friends' house. His friends lived far away. He did not mind running. Running was his passion. It was the night before the race. He had a good night sleep. In the morning he woke up ready. The race was in a couple of hours. He got ready. He was not nervous anymore. He was prepared to race.

上一篇: 61. Roller Coaster Ride 过山车
下一篇: 63. Alex's Friends 亚历克斯的朋友