1. They were bound up in fetters of conventionalism. 他们被因袭主义的枷锁所束缚。
2. Poincare's thought of philosophy of science has a bit messy, but the main focus is on conventionalism and Realism. 彭加勒的科学哲学思想虽然有点零乱,但主要还是围绕约定论和实在论展开的。
3. It is pointed out in this paper that "structural realism" is fitter for Poincare s philosophy of science than "conventionalism" or "empirical realism". 结构时空实在论是结构实在论思想运用于时空实在论研究的重要结果。
4. Ms Loebl does not conceal the conventionalism of Junior, the megalomaniac tendencies of Nelson, or the feuds between the brothers in the third generation. 勒波女士对于诸如小洛克·菲勒的墨守成规,尼尔森的狂妄自大,抑或是洛克·菲勒第三代的兄弟纷争等事并没有进行遮掩。