1. It either frees us or enslaves us. 它能让我们自由也会奴役我们。
2. And he is the only animal who enslaves. 人也是唯一的奴役他人的动物。
3. First one must forgive and release the karma, and then one must release the attachments and free oneself in the physical from the circumstance that enslaves. 首先,你必须宽恕并释放业力,然后你必须从奴役自己的物理层环境中,释放连接并解放自我。
4. It is in owning other humans that one enslaves another to be with oneself, when it is not their souls wish, or not the wish of the divine plan that this be so. 就是在占有其他人类中,你奴役别人来从属于你自己,这不是他们灵魂的希望,也不是神性计划的希望。
5. More often than not, this phenomenon takes the form of a post-colonial land grab that enslaves vast agricultural territories of the planet to distant, wealthy urban enclaves. 往往,这种现象以后殖民土地攫取的形式出现,遥远富有的城市飞地来奴役农业地区。