1. The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby. 姑娘们学的正是怎样照看新生儿。
2. Creating a gap between her income and spending required a paradigm shift and entailed sacrifice and commitment, but by going into financial lockdown, Nicole gained financial independence. 在收入和支出之间创造差距,既需要转变思考方式,还需要牺牲和投入,但通过给自己的财务设限,妮可最终实现了经济独立。
3. The visit entailed buying gifts for children. 这次旅行必须为孩子们买礼物。
4. Stanford's entailed increasing the faculty by 10-15%. 斯坦福增加了10 - 15%的教学人员。
5. The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son. 那城堡和土地限定由长子继承。