1. A pardonable sin is regarded as entailing only a partial loss of grace. 可以宽恕的罪孽是指部分美好品行的缺失。
2. Israel will face harsh new trials entailing territorial and functional concessions. 以色列将面临严峻的考验,在领土和能源方面做出让步。
3. I Experiments on animals entailing physical or psychological suffering violate the rights of animals. 任何带给动物生理或心理痛苦的试验都有违动物的权利。
4. " Natural Selection, entailing Divergence of Character and the Extinction of less-improved forms" (Charles Darwin). “自然选择,特性的遗传变异和进化较慢的形式的退化” (查尔斯·达尔文)。
5. The undertaking, entailing a voyage across uncharted seas, looked about as hopeless as an airplane trip to the moon in our own time. 这项事业需要穿越未经标记的海域,看起来就像我们这个时代到月球去旅行一样不可思议。