1. However, you can have another weapon by garrisoning an infantry inside it like the Multigunner IFV. 而你可以通过驻守步兵来获得第二武器,就像多枪塔ifv一样。
2. With the ability you gain from garrisoning a Mastermind or Prodigy, means that this self-repair has great potential. 通过进驻摄魂师和夺魂师你可以得到一种能力,而自我修理会有更大的用处。
3. Javelin Soldiers are by far the best garrisoning unit that the Allies have since they can attack both enemy ground and air units. 标枪兵到目前为止是盟军拥有的最好的驻守单位因为它们可以攻击地面和空中的单位。
4. With the growing expansion of Northwest Territory and the enhancement of garrisoning troops, the two systems finally united as one. 随着西北边疆的逐步扩展及屯田军事性质的不断加强,屯田与守御最终在西域地区合而为一。
5. As regards to Mao's merit and demerit, a historical unsettled case, so far credit is still given to Mao's contribution in garrisoning Pi Island. 毛文龙的功过是非是一桩历史悬案,时至今日,仍有论者认为毛文龙驻守皮岛有功。