1. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons. 叛乱分子作好了对政府卫戍部队的新一轮猛攻的准备。
2. The physical bonds included the network of military garrisons, which were stationed in every province, and the network of stone-built roads that linked the provinces with Rome. 这些有形的纽带包括驻扎在每个省的军事要塞网络和将各省与罗马连接的石造道路网络。
3. The Persian garrisons, on the other hand, were oases of luxury. 在波斯湾驻军,另一方面,是绿洲的奢侈品。
4. Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and take it for yourself. 用黑手清空驻守的步兵,为游戏玩家你自己占一个。
5. Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and then take it for yourself. 用黑手清掉驻守得步兵,然后自己占一个地堡。