1. A rainbow over the horizon transfixes an Alaskan fisherman hunting in Norton Sound, Alaska, part of the mouth of the Yukon River. 一名本地渔夫正在阿拉斯加州的诺顿桑得的育空河入海口处捕鱼,一条彩虹悬在他的正上方,仿佛从他的头里穿过一般。
2. The relentless back-and-forth in Congress, the courts and state legislatures transfixes the minority of Americans who feel strongly about this issue. 国会、法院和州议会在这一问题上的不断反复,使对此持强硬态度的少数美国人不知如何是好。
3. Thee relentless back-and-forth in Congress, the courts and state legislatures transfixes the minority of Americans who feel strongly about this issue. 对于同性婚姻问题,国会,法院以及州议会一直反反复复,令那些强烈抵制同性婚姻的少数美国人无计可施。