1. He's a whiz with the joystick, a master-level gamer who changes screens and situations every few pages. 他是一个掌控着操纵杆的奇才,一个具有大师水准的玩家,每隔几页他就变换屏幕和场景。
2. Figuring himself a franchising whiz, Katz got into gyms, executive recruiting, dentistry, hair salons and cosmetics. 自视为特许经营奇才的 Katz 进入健身房,主管招聘,牙科,美发沙龙和化妆品行业。
3. Simon's a whiz at card games. 西蒙是纸牌游戏的高手。
4. They heard bullets continue to whiz over their heads. 他们听到子弹不断在他们头顶上嗖嗖飞过。
5. Gee whiz, they carried on and on, they loved the evening. 啊,他们玩个没完没了,度过了那个开心的夜晚。