1. I hung out with the science whizzes, the Star Wars fans, and the artists. 我和科学迷们,星战迷们和艺术家们出去闲逛。
2. The city boys think it has hatched a baby mule. They chase it. It whizzes off. 那个城市男孩认为这只兔子生了一只小骡子,于是他们就去追。
3. Now a few computer whizzes have put the theory to the test and found that it is true – almost. 现在一些电脑专家已经着手证明该理论并发现这几乎是真的。
4. One might capture such information by observing the data generated for valid users of the system as it whizzes by on a wire. 当为系统的正当用户而生成的数据在导线中传输时,可以通过观测来获取这类信息。
5. The planet whizzes around its star more than seven times faster than Earth moves, and is 23 times closer to the star than Mercury is to our sun. 它围绕其恒星飞快旋转的速度是地球绕太阳公转速度的7倍,它距那颗恒星的距离比起水星离太阳距离要近23倍。