A: I need to know why I'm being charged $10 for a movie that I never ordered. B: Hmm. Your file shows that you watched "Titanic" Monday night. A: Monday night? Monday night I was at a great concert. B: Well, as they say, garbage in, garbage out. Let me correct this error, please. A: Thank you. It's very nice when problems can be solved quickly. B: When I deleted the $10, the computer automatically added a $2 service charge. A: Are you crazy? You made the mistake and now you're charging me for your mistake? B: Sir, if it makes you feel any better, the $2 service fee used to be $5. A: Why don't you just stick a gun in my ribs and take everything I have? B: Unfortunately, sir, you'll have to pay the $2, whether you like it or not.